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Can a Single Concussion Lead to Lasting Brain Damage?
Concussions can occur when you least expect them. One blow to the head from playing sports, or a high-impact vehicle accident can lead to a concussion, and it’s essential to understand what that can mean. All injuries are different, and some can cause long term symptoms.
The team at Neurology Center for Epilepsy and Seizures specializes in brain injury recovery treatments and support to ensure you return to your routine in no time.
What is a concussion?
A concussion is defined as a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by a sudden blow to the head or the result of whiplash after a blow to another part of the body. Such impacts make your brain bounce against your skull, resulting in harm to brain cells and nerve endings. This can change the normal function of your brain and lead to many symptoms.
The symptoms of a concussion
While sometimes symptoms of a concussion immediately develop after the initial impact, other times, it may take a day or even a week to experience any symptoms. It’s not rare for you to lose consciousness when you have a concussion, although most people don’t. More common symptoms can include:
- Irritability
- Dizziness
- Confusion
- Memory loss
- Nausea
- Trouble balancing
- Difficulty concentrating
- Abnormal sleeping patterns
- Loss of smell or taste
- Blurry vision
Lasting brain damage
It’s likely to experience brain injury after a concussion. Most commonly, the injury will heal over days or weeks. It’s rare for one single concussion to lead to any long term effect on your brain activity. Of course, each brain injury is unique, but one concussion is treatable and will heal without long term repercussions.
However, after a concussion, you’re more vulnerable to experience another injury. Multiple concussions are more likely to cause long term brain injury and lead to significantly slower recovery time. If this isn’t your first concussion, you will require more medical attention and careful treatment to protect your brain from swelling and permanent damage.
Treating a concussion
Injuries suffered after a concussion can render you vulnerable to further injury. The primary form of treatment is rest. Receiving plenty of rest following your concussion by reducing your mental and physical activity is key to a quick recovery. Taking a break from sports, extraneous physical activity, and activity that requires significant mental concentrations such as playing with video games or using a computer will allow your brain to heal without additional stress. You should be able to resume your regular activity within a few days, or sometimes weeks after your symptoms disappear.
At the Neurology Center for Epilepsy and Seizures, our team performs CT scans of your brain, and other tests to assess your cognitive and psychological state. Dr. Amor Mehta provides specific instructions and medications that can help your recovery if there are signs of serious brain injury.
To schedule an appointment with the Neurology Center for Epilepsy and Seizures, call our office or book online.