If you have seizures or are the parent of a child who has seizures, then…

What Does a Pediatric Neurologist Do On Your First Visit?
Bringing your child to a doctor can be a worrying experience. It may even be more so to bring them to a new doctor. And it may even be intimidating when you bring them to a specialist like a pediatric neurologist. The best way to cool your nerves is to be armed with information about what will happen on your first pediatric neurologist visit.
Bring Prepared Information About Your Child’s Neurology
As with any new doctor, it is in your best interest to provide as much information as possible for a potential diagnosis. If your child has ever had any neurological, psychological, or medical evaluations you should bring documentation of the results. It will be beneficial to provide any supporting information from any other neurologically related testing, especially school testing or evaluations. Some examples of tests where results will be helpful include: Electrophalogram (EEG), MRIs, and other lab work such as blood work and genetic testing. If you believe there is anything that would assist your pediatric neurologist in diagnosing concerning conditions like seizures or epilepsy, bring it with you.
You or your child may also have concerns or questions of your own. Preparing for your visit by creating a list of such concerns may help ease you through the process of your first visit. It will also assist in guiding your pediatric neurologist to a more firm diagnosis to provide unique information which may be missed by test results.
Your Child’s First Pediatric Neurologist Visit
Everything will be done to keep you and your child as comfortable as possible. Every child is different, and experiencing neurological issues can create a lot of friction. If you believe it to be helpful, reach out to the office before your first visit to make the process easy and smooth.
Your first pediatric neurologist visit may take around an hour depending on the amount and types of tests and diagnostic procedures used for the initial visit. Your specialist may use everything from asking questions about your child’s mental status to sensory exams to reflex tests, motor function capabilities, and more.
Upon examining your child with all of the provided information and tests, your specialist will provide a diagnosis for your child unless more information and testing will be helpful. Additionally, should a referral to a different type of specialist be necessary, like an occupational therapist or psychologist, you will be informed.
If you would like to learn more or you would like to schedule your first Pediatric Neurology appointment, please call 732-856-5999.