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When Is Memory Loss A Cause For Concern?

When is Memory Loss a Cause for Concern?

Forgetting where you put your keys or where you left your favorite book is usually not a reason for concern. However, when you continually forget the simplest things or events, it can be alarming. But how do you know when you should seek help for memory loss?

At the Neurology Center for Epilepsy and Seizures, our staff is here to help you navigate the scary road that’s paved with memory loss. Dr. Amor Mehta is a skilled doctor who’ll help you figure out what is going on and offer you a tailored treatment plan for your condition.

Conditions that cause memory loss

Memory loss isn’t always the result of a severe condition. Sometimes, having a lot on your mind or daily stress can send your mind into a tailspin. However, if you continually forget things, several conditions may be the culprit, including:

  • Medications
  • Traumatic brain injury 
  • Excessive alcohol use
  • Stroke
  • Epilepsy 
  • Brain infections
  • Oxygen deprivation 

Sometimes, memory loss is a symptom of a much bigger problem, such as those listed above. It’s often the first symptom of dementia. This condition is characterized not only by changes in memory but also decreased problem-solving and language skills. There are four types of dementia that are unable to be cured. They include:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Vascular dementia
  • Lawyer body dementia
  • Frontotemporal dementia

Dementia usually continues to worsen as time goes by. It can cause many different symptoms other than memory loss, such as:

  • Confusion
  • Difficulty with communication
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Difficulty with problem-solving skills

It may also affect your personality and can cause behavioral changes. If you or someone you love starts exhibiting any of these symptoms, it may be time to see Dr. Mehta for an evaluation.

An excellent time to seek help

Everyone can be a little forgetful from time to time. However, when you start to forget things every day or your forgetfulness starts to interfere with your daily life, it’s time to see Dr. Mehta. Several signs signal a bigger problem, including:

  • Becoming lost in familiar areas
  • Inability to follow simple instructions
  • Confusion with time and people
  • Repeatedly asking the same questions

You may also want to visit Dr. Mehta if you experience problems thinking or concentrating, along with losing items all the time. At your appointment, he’ll do a thorough workup, including a detailed physical exam.

 Dr. Mehta may also perform a neurological exam and ask you questions to determine your memory impairment. He may also perform other types of testing, including:

  • Blood tests
  • Imaging such as an MRI
  • EEG testing
  • Spinal tap

Once he forms a diagnosis, Dr. Mehta will go over treatment options for you or your loved one. Many of the causes of reversible memory loss are treatable when found early. This may involve medication adjustments or treatment for medical issues, causing forgetfulness. 

No matter what, getting a diagnosis is the first step to getting your memory under control. Even if you have an irreversible problem such as Alzheimer’s disease, a diagnosis is essential because:

  • You can educate your family about the disease
  • You can start getting treatment for the disorder
  • Determine the need for future care needs
  • Figure out facilities for future care needs

Dr. Mehta can give you additional resources to help you navigate the difficult road of irreversible memory loss. Whether it’s a cognitive problem or a treatable medical disorder, you don’t need to worry; Dr. Mehta is a skilled neurologist who can get you onto the road to recovery quickly.

When you’ve had enough of constant forgetfulness, call our office at 732-856-5999 to make an appointment or schedule a consultation online today.

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